Shikhondo – Soul Eater and Iron Crypticle

Shikhondo – Soul Eater and Iron Crypticle

As most of the office is sick and snowed in this week, we were able to check out two different games that came across our desk.  The first one is Shikhondo – Soul Eater, a Korean bullet hell shooter that has a great soundtrack, leaderboards, boss rush and easy to pick up and play controls.  The second game that came across our desk was Iron Crypticle, a 4 player co-op dungeon crawler for the Nintendo Switch.  Iron Crypticle is a twin stick shooter style of shooter that is very family friendly and fun. Couch co-op shooter.  As this game came out before on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 but we decided to give it a spin on the Nintendo Switch. If there is any difference in the Xbox One/PS4 versions, we will update it in our review.


Shikhondo – Soul Eater is a fantastic shooter, there I said it…lol However if you have never picked up a bullet hell style of shooter it may look intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of the game it is a breeze.  There is a boss rush mode for those that want to battle the bosses, an online leaderboard to see how you rank to the rest of the world, and different difficulties for different style of games.  The best part of the game is the local co-op mode in the game so two people can play one the same screen.  Now there was some controversy on the game and some “partical nudity” in the game, and in our review of the game you can see both my and Camille our senior game reviewer/blogger thoughts on this and more.  You can read the review here and see some video footage also.


Iron Cryptical is a game that we reviewed before on the Xbox One when it came to our desk back in July 2018.  I can say that personally this was one of my favorite games of 2018 and a hit here in the office.  The game offers a 4-player co-op where it is a dungeon crawler twin stick shooter.  This is a great family game on any console, but with the limitations of the Switch controllers (unless you have 4 Joy-Conns or two pro controllers) it may be hard to play 4 players on the Switch.  We will revise our current review and score with any new features to the game we will add it to our revised review here.

Both Shikhondo – Soul Eater and Iron Crypitcal (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) are available now.  Be sure to download these games and give it a try!

#ShikhondoSoulEater #IronCryptical #familygamerreview

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Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.

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