Ghostbusters and Momonga Pinball Adventure

Ghostbusters and Momonga Pinball Adventure


This week we are going to go over a movie tie in video game that is Ghostbusters 2016 and a unique pinball game that is Momonga Pinball Adventure.

Ghostbusters 2016 is a follow up to the movie that was released in 2016.  In the game you play as four new recruits and battling ghost from location to location.  The game has a four-play local co-op which is nice for gaming nights for families that want to play the same game on the same monitor.  The game is very family friendly with very colorful graphics and banter that you would expect to hear from a Cartoon Network show.  However, we did run into some concerns with the game and you can read our concerns in the review of Ghostbusters here.


Momonga Pinball Adventure is an adventure, story driven pinball game in which you play as Momonga a flying squirrel that must save his tribe of flying squirrels from an evil own that burned down his village.  The game consists of 10 different levels that vary from setting to setting that is all about pinball action.  There are bonus stages in which there are collectables that you must obtain and challenges also that you can try.  In all this is a very interesting game that we got a chance to sit down and play and believe me that there were some mixed reviews on this one.  Be sure to read our review here about Momonga Pinball Adventure.


As always both games are available now on their respective consoles digital stores, ready for purchase and download now! Any questions about the games, content, or even gameplay be sure to contact us on social media and use the #askFGR

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Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.

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