
AngerForce:Reloaded is a classic style top down shooter where you have to take on a robot rebellion There is a vast amount of different of characters to choose from, as well weapon upgrades, boss rush mode and different difficulty

General Gameplay

AngerForce:Reloaded is a true to form top down 90’s style of shooter that any fan of this type of series will love.  The game incorporates 2D styling with a 2D/3D style of storytelling.  The Game Visuals are very impressive.  Everything from the characters, bosses, backgrounds and even enemies are well drawn and easy to see on the screen.  The colors are very vibrant and well done where it blends where the game feels very 90’ish in its flow.  The game does not support a colorblind mode, however it is very easy to see the colors on the screen without any problems.  In our playtesting, we did not encounter any issues with the game graphics, the game is a shooter but as there are mostly robots that you are fighting it is very family friendly.  The Audio in AngerForce:Reloaded is very shooter style in its music arrangement.  Lots of guitar rifts and high energy music accompanies the gameplay and fits the mood of the game.  The sound effects also match the action on the screen, as with all cut scenes in the game.  The game does have spoken dialog, however there is nothing offensive in the game dialog.  AngerForce:Reloaded is in 5.1 surround sound and sounds very well on a surround system, the game also is presented in a stereo environment.  The game sounds great in a gaming headset and we recommend playing it wearing a gaming headset, again parents/guardian please use caution with gamers playing the game with a headset and take a break every 2 hours of gameplay.  Controls for AngerForce:Reloaded are very simple.  As the game is a shooter to its core, there is a rapid fire button, a charge button, special weapons on the shoulder buttons and a bomb button.  The controller layout is very simple to use.  In our playtesting, all of our game testers were able to pick up and play the game without any problems.  As the game is easy on the controls settings a default controller for your console should be fine to use for the game.

 “AngerForce:Reloaded is a great shooter for any shooter fans out there.  With different characters, power ups and bosses, there is a lot to do in the game. A must have game for shooter fans.”

Family Friendly

What makes AngerForce:Reloaded so much fun is that it is true top down shooter is that it takes everything that is right from shooters in the 90’s.  The game is very easy to control and the level of difficulty is manageable for all type of gamers.  Everyone here at the office loved the game and how easy to pick up and play.  The characters are fun and diverse where there are designed for all types of gamers and offer enough for any shooter fans to enjoy the game from all the characters point of view.  Both arcade and story modes are fun and give different point of views.  The level of customization that you can do with each character with the power ups allows gamers to the way they want to play.  AngerForce:Reloaded is a great game for all gamers in your gaming family.  The game is fun game that should not be passed up.  Our only concern was that the game can get harder in later levels but this is for more experienced gamers to have more of a challenge.  In our special needs game testing, we did not encounter any issues with the game graphics, audio or even controls.  If anything the game is very special needs friendly.


AngerForce:Reloaded is a solid, fun shooter that is great for all types of gamers.  A must have game for your digital library.


  • Fantastic shooter that is a true throwback to the 90's style of top down shooters.
  • Graphics are very sharp to see in motion.
  • Soundtrack matches the mood of the level.
  • Boss battles are fun and challenging.
  • Skillset tree is unique and adds more replay value to each character.


  • Some levels can get harder for non hardcore shooter fans.
  • co-op play can get hectic on smaller screens.


Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.
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