The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition

Zombie vegetables and fruit are running amok in the city and its up to you to stop them in this twin stick shooter.

General Gameplay

As a beat cop your job is to rid the streets of zombie veggies and fruit that is taking over the city.  With dynamic levels, a light-RPG element and lots of baddies to shoot.  The Game Visuals are in a 80’s retro style where there is different options to have a VHS type filter and non.  The game colors are in a neon blend of blues, greens and reds.  The game does not support a colorblind mode, but it is easy enough to see the colors in the game.  The game does have very flash flashing in the game when the pistol is fired (we will go more into this in the family friendly section) in our review, we did not see anything offensive in the graphics in the game.  Outside of some of the zombie veggies and other baddies that may be scary to younger gamers, everything is ok with this game.  Audio for The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition is expected for a game like this.  Lots of different gunshots sounds to match each weapon in the game, as well the veggies moans and groans.  There is a 80’s style of background music that matches the game style.  There is some audio dialog but not much in the game.  The game is presented in 5.1 surround sound and The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition sounds fantastic.  If anything, the game captures the 80’s vibe.  In our playtesting we did not hear anything that would be offensive to younger gamers ears.  Controls for the game are very easy to pick up and play.  The game in nature is a twin stick shooter, so the left thumb stick controls the character, and the right is used to aim for shooting.  The right trigger is to shoot and the shoulder button for using the melee button.  The face buttons are for changing from primary weapon to secondary weapon.  The face buttons take a time to get use to but once you get a grip on what buttons do, the game becomes easier to control.  In our playtesting, outside of what buttons does what, the game is easy to control.

 “A tough as nails shooter that is fun to play.  The 80’s style of graphical design adds more flare to this gem.”


Family Friendly

This game is a great twin stick shooter, hard but a great game for any gamers that love twin stick shooters.  We were not able to get past the first level, but the game is fun.  As the game has random generated levels, so playing the game is not the same each time.  Trust me when we say that the game is tough as nails and for some this may be a little too hard, but after playing the game you will get used to the play mechanics.  If anything, the base and plot itself is the fun in itself.  Now in the game, when using the pistol, the game will do quick flashes that did affect some of our gamers.  Now this is not an big issue, but if you, or any of your gaming family is affected by the flashes in the game, you may want to use caution when allowing them to play the game.  Now Camille our senior blogger, said that “good luck getting your younger gamers to eat their veggies after playing this game…lol”  Overall if you are a shooter fan or have family gamers in your gaming family that love this type of game, they will love it.  If you are on the fence, best to watch video of the game online to see for yourself.


The Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition is a tough as nails twin stick shooter but a great one for fans of 80’s style of graphics and great challenge.  It may not be everyone cup of tea but still a game not to pass up.


  • Great 80’s style of graphics that suck you into the game.
  • Different level design each time you play make gameplay interesting.
  • Variation of different enemies makes gameplay interesting.
  • Controls that are point on.


  • Very difficult for newer gamers to play the game.
  • Some instructions are not explained, so you have to discover them yourself.


Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.
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