Midnight Deluxe

Take a unique twist on golfing in this very family friendly golf style game in which you try to get the square to the goal while avoiding obstacles in the level.  With 70 levels of gameplay, different style of level design and traps to avoid on each level.

General Gameplay

Gameplay for Midnight Deluxe is simple, shoot the square to reach the goal on each level.  Just like in golf the least number of tries gets you a better score and the game rates from a 3 star to 0-star rating per level.  The game has different types of traps and other things that block you way to the goal which adds more challenge to the game.  Midnight Deluxe Game Visuals are in a darker tone using more blacks and blues to the level color design, this does not mean that the game is dark but more matching the colors that you would see around midnight with a more midnight tone.  The game graphics from the box to other graphics from backgrounds, other characters are drawn well so you can see what is in the game.  The game overall is drawn well, and the graphics are very family friendly in its design nature.  The game does not support a colorblind mode; however, it is not needed as the game does not use much red, or green in the game coloring.  In our playtesting, we did not see anything offensive in the game design, if anything the game is very family friendly in its design.  The game Audio is a blend of a soothing piano score that is the background for the game.  The game has the basic sound effects that you would hear from the square launching to bouncing and other effects in game.  The piano soundtrack for the game is very mellow and great to listen to for a game like this (more on this in our family friendly section).  As the game does not have any spoken dialog, there is nothing offensive for any younger gamers to hear when playing the game.  If anything, the game is very family friendly. Controls for Midnight Deluxe are very simple to use and play.  The left thumb stick is used to both aim and how much force is used to launch the square and just one button is used for actions in the game and another button to use to reset the level to try again.  The game is made to be very pick up and play friendly and Midnight Deluxe does a great job of this.  In our playtesting, we did not run into any issues with the controls, or even controller settings.  All our game testers from 11-65 of age were able to play the game without any trouble.  As the game does not need a special controller, you should be ok playing it with the default controller.

 “With a beautiful piano arrangement for the game, Midnight Deluxe does a great job of making a golfing game fun for all ages”

Family Friendly

Midnight Deluxe is a fun game to play for all ages.  Now even if you say that you are not a golf fan, or have a golf fan in your gaming family, the simple setup and gameplay make it fun for anyone to play.  First off, the game design if fun to see in motion, even if they with a darker tone it still fits the game.  The piano arrangement for the game score is a beautiful arrangement where even in playtesting, we saw our gamers just on the game screen listening to the arrangement from level to level.  This is a great soundtrack and the soundtrack alone should be more than enough for you to get this game.  Controls for the game are very easy to use and play for any age.  Another great thing about Midnight Deluxe is the cost.  On the Xbox Live marketplace, the game cost is around $4.99 and even at that price it is a great game to have for your digital library.  In our playtesting sessions, all the gamers that played the game loved it very much.  They never felt either overpowered or the game was too hard at any point.  The game was mellow enough to be a de-stressing for some of our gamers.  That alone was enough for a game like this not only to be fun but not frustrating for any gamer.    In our special needs game testing, we did not encounter any issues with the game graphics, sound, controls or even content.  All of our special needs gamers loved the game and content, and had a great time playing the game.  Midnight Deluxe is a great, fun overall game that you should have for your digital library.  The only complaint that was in our game testing was that we wished there were more levels in the game or a level editor that can be shared and/or custom levels to be downloaded.


Midnight Deluxe is an overall fun game that you must experience for yourself.  With a fantastic piano soundtrack, easy control and fun levels, this is a must have digital game that you should have for your gaming family.



  • Great, easy gameplay that is fun for all ages.
  • Mellow soundtrack that feels right in the game.
  • Easy controls make it easy to play the game for both novice and experience gamers.
  • Lots of levels for all skill levels.


  • Wish that there were more levels to play.


Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.
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