I and Me Xbox One PS4 Review

If there was another you, and you were the spectator, how would you react to yourself? Or see yourself.  In this puzzle platformer game, you and a copy of you as a cat must solve puzzles and move forward.

General Gameplay

I and Me is a puzzle platform game in which you control both black cats and navigate throughout the levels and get both cats onto a frame in the level.  The Game Visuals for I and Me are in a watercolor style where are of the colors are in a bright, vivid style.  The game is very beautiful to see in motion.  The game characters, enemies and backgrounds are all drawn very clear in the game where you can see the details in each of them.  The game does not support a colorblind mode; however, it is not needed for the game as the colors are bright enough to tell what in the game is.  The Audio in I and Me is a beautiful ensemble of piano music that accompanies the game.  The game background music is so beautiful that at times you will stop playing the game, trust us when you hear the music in the game you will do the same.  The game is in 5.1 surround sound and sound perfect in any surround sound system and sounds well in a stereo system as well.  Controls for I and Me are very easy to play.  The controls are simplistic to play.  As there is a left thumb stick to move the cats, and a jump button.  The game controls are very easy to use for any age gamer.  In our playtesting, we saw that the game controls are very easy to use for all ages.

 “I and Me is a fun, beautiful action platformer that not only will suck you into the gameplay, but the beautiful artistic music will have you in a great mood playing this great game.”

Family Friendly

We reviewed this game before on the Nintendo Switch and you can read the review here at this link.  Why we decided to review the game again is that the controls and seeing it on a larger screen vs. the mobile screen on the Nintendo Switch.  The game simply looks amazing on a larger set, also if you have a HDR style of SMART TV or even 4K the game is a sight to be seen.  The game is not in 4K but the graphics are just vibrant on a 4K monitor.  Here at the office, I and Me is a big hit with both our gaming family, parents and children as the puzzle solving part of the game makes it a great parent/child game to play.  As the game soundtrack is also soothing to listen to that the game is very relaxing when being played.  Again, this game can get harder in later levels and there will be some thought process and skill to get passed the levels, but they are so rewarding when done so.  We highly recommend this game for your digital library as this is a very relaxing, fun game to play in between other frustrating games.  Also this is a great title for any puzzle gamers in your gaming family as the game is challenging enough to make it fun.  The controls are basic enough to play for all ages and makes it easy to control the cats on screen.  In our special needs game testing, we did not run into any issue’s with the game graphics, audio, or even controls.  Our special needs gamers love this game and we highly recommend I and Me.


I and Me is a fun, challenging puzzle game that is great for the whole entire gaming family.  With beautiful graphics, and soundtrack this is a must have game for your digital library.


  • Beautiful graphics that bring the game to life.
  • Controls that are easy to pick up and play the game.
  • The soundtrack fits well for the game and is a beautiful arrangement of piano playing.
  • Lots of levels to play and different things to do.
  • Overall fun family game to play.


  • Some later levels can get harder.


Primary game reviewer of Family Gamer Review. A loving father to two children, loving husband and avid gamer. As the primary game reviewer, my responsibilities are to make sure that the game titles that I review that I can provide the most unbiased reviews for parents and guardians out there for the game, subject matter and other items within the game. I provide the honest review for the game, not based on what the game is, but for how this would fit in for the library for the whole family to play.
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